
  Harken      When one consorts with assassins, one must expect to dance along the edge of a knife once or twice.

server,     data center
Brynhildr          Crystal


             ✓ walk ups.                ✓ tells.                ✓ mature rp.

Rogue vegabond, a criminal, an entertainer.On a cold winter's night,
the moon casted a luminous glow so bright.
As I felt the cold of the eve
begin to bite,
I stood basking in the moonlight, searching for warmth somewhere in the night.

©  carrd template by paletterph.


     Name       Ysera Siljadottir    Aliases     The Huntress    Age      ???    Nameday      32nd Sun of the 1st Astral Moon    Gender      Female     she/her    Language     Common, Dalmascan, Old Vieran,         Common sign    Build       Lithe, like a dancer

     orientation       heterosexual    species      viera (veena)    birth place      Skatay Range    residence      cirque du freak    profession      assassin/smuggler    patron deity      the matron    relationship status      Married -               obsessed

•    intelligence    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

•    wisdom    ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

•    charisma    ★★★★★★★☆☆☆

" the yellow moon is a dancing phantom
down secret ways of the flowing shade;
and the wavelness stream has a murmuring whisper
where the alders wave.
not a breath, not a sigh, save the slow stream's whisper:
only the moon is a dancing blade
that leads a host of crescent warriors
to a phantom raid.
out of the land of snow a summons,
a long, strange cry that thrills through the glade:—
the gray-green glooms of eld are strirring, newly afraid.
last heard, white music, under the trees
where once veenian sang and played—
the veenian song is the old new wonder,
o moon-white maid!

•    dexterity    ★★★★★★★★☆☆

•    strength    ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆

•    constitution    ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

    ▊▊   voice claim:    Cheryl Texiera (Kafka).

The Soul.  

     The Personality     The Veena has what one calls a 'sugar-and-ice' personality. There can be two distinct sides to Ysera. Most of the time, she is usually icy towards individuals, depending on the setting, or she shows little warmth. She keeps those at arms length and prefers to remain distinct. The 'sugar' side is a truly rare sight, that is warmer and even open.It is not abnormal that Ysera carries an air of aloofness, having a bit of a harshness of display of a lack of sympathy. She could become stoic, and unresponsive...but if something irritates her enough, she may through some sharp-tongued comments.

There are few individuals that she considers herself 'close' with. Her line of work doesn't give her much opportunity to form meaningful bonds. Most happen to be colleagues who understand her stance and the things that she does or even extend a helping hand to some of her jobs. But when she's comfortable, she can show some kindness and more emotion. She might even become more animated, depending on who is with her. At times, she can be uncertain about how to interact with others, shyness being the rare display where she might even blush.Regardless of how one might perceive Ysera, she seems to have multiple layers that she doesn't let anyone just see. One of it being her more unhinged side, where she's gripped by moments of violence that could very well end up with someone with a knife in them. Mostly when she's in a very bad mood.

& key items.

important items commonly found in their inventory. Though there is a lot more in the pack...just the more important things.

     Tyrfing     A pair of daggers that Ysera keeps close to her person, it was specially crafted for her. Who the maker was, no one knows, nor is Ysera inclined to talk about the crasftsman. If one sees her with one of the two blades, they could see the way that she tendery cares for them and making sure their edges remain forever sharp and the precious metals gleam.

     Fickle Krait Venom     Special glands within the fickle krait's body create a deadly poison feared by fishers and coveted by assassins.Ysera goes out of her way to get her hands on the key ingredients to craft this elixir with an almost loving hand. When she has a job, she have many ways of administering the correct amount of poison to get the job done. Yet it depends if she needs to be discreet or not...

     Preserved Black Rose     One could wonder what the sentimental value is behind this singular flower that she sometimes tucks away in her travel pack or, at rare times, wear in her hair. The Veena isn't known to be a woman who shows such displays of attachment, yet somehow she seemed rather taken by the singular rose she took out of a beautiful bouquet she keeps at hom. Don't touch it unless wanting a hand cut off. It'll be a rare sight to see her waring it in her hair.

     Rogue's Tools     Someone in her line of work never knows when a thieve's kit will come in handy. Lockpicks, throwing knives, rope...There are a lot of things in this traveling box that one might raise a brow to. It's best not to question.

The History.  

Ysera was born in a remote forest village in the Skatay Range just north of Dalmasca. Growing up in a society of hunters and gatherers, Ysera spent most of her years doing her part in helping to provide and nourish her village. Becoming an adept huntress of the forest and mountain ranges that surrounded her home, she earned herself a reputation of slaying beasts. Always did she enjoy friendly competition with her sisters.Unlike her Rava kin more further to the east in the Golmore Jungle, her people were more open to venturing into the outside world. During times when supplies were sort, she would make trips to the Kingdom of Dalmasca to trade and from there had learned many things from the people there. She picked up the art of dance and came across travelers that sparked her curiosity to see what was beyond her home. While she is not bound to the "Green Word", she was free to roam.Alas, her introduction to the wider world was not a smooth transition. Being far from home with little of the income that was used by the wider world, there were times that she resorted to some criminal activities. Now she is heavily embroiled within the underbelly of society. Most works she takes are contractual in nature. From smuggling to even being a hired hand for murder, it makes little difference to her as she goes day by day through the mundane cycle of life.If one were to ask about the origins of this Viera, some would tell something contradictory since she keeps her personal history so close to her chest. One could try to attempt to find out more...

Recently, Ysera has become more active within the lands of Thanalan. While she is no stranger to Ul'dah, she never stays around too often. Having met an interesting Ringmaster of one Cirque du Freak and getting to know him...one can say she has been roped into a circus. Having accepted to join the ranks, gives her a place to stay and she could move around while assisting in whatever is needed.Who knows where that decision will lead her next...?


    mbti      INTJ    dnd      Chaotic Neutral    likes      nature, Intoxication, Hunting, traveling, quiet places, murder    dislikes     Being underestimated, spiders, immaturity, lack of                        individuality, very tight spaces    fears      Getting too attached...fear of loosing self to somnus addiction        again

    hobbies      gambling, drinking, training, hunting, poison              craft    skills      daggers, gunplay, survival, singing, dancing,                minor magic

" Poison may be a coward's weapon, but it's an effective one. "


    Pearl Lane      Every criminal shows up in Pearl Lane. Some reason it's where they all congregate. And being a woman who dabbles within the underbelly of society, one would go to the place to gather or sell information, strike deals, perhaps an occasional murder.    Ishgard      One of her informants operates out of the Holy See. It wouldn't be uncommon to see her there, and the cold clime of Coerthas reminds her of that of the Skatay Range. While she could care less about Ishgard's more religious tendencies, she finds the people to be tolerable to be around.    Cirque du Freak      Her new place of work when she's not off on a different contract. Despite being a member, she still has a good decent quality of living. It is a place for her to return to with her own accommodations in the form of a large tent that is suited to her taste. While she might not voice it. She's taken by the lively atmosphere and observes it from time to time at a distance. And since her marriage to Alastor, the Cirque du Freak has become a cherished home.

    An Interesting Scent    

One could catch the lingering scent of wildflowers around this veena, with occasionally just a very faint hint of fogweed.The woman makes it no secret that she enjoys having the occasional indulgence.

    Small Features    

Has a beauty mark under the corner of her left eye.Her body is also covered with bluish markings that start from her shoulders and extend all the way down to her legs.


Ysera's leporine ears are rather expressive. From wiggling to pinning back, one may guess what is going through her mind as those fluffy appendages move.When she's on the job, however, she resists the urge to show anything that might give her away.


Can play the flute, something she rarely does. She does this privately...but one may be lucky to chance upon her playing.Has a rather decent singing voice, though her songs come from her homeland.


She has developed quite a tolerance to alcohol and will comfortably drink in any setting, but with any form of narcotic, she can hold back unless she indulges more in private, as they tend to make her feel more vulnerable and possibly temperamental depending on the circumstances. She's been known to be a bit of a wild card.And while she does have a tolerance...there are just some drinks that hit her harder than most. She has one that she makes called 'Death in the Afternoon' and it can floor a Roegadyn with no problem.


Ysera is rather good at matching how people speak depending on the region that she is in. It is essential for her job. Though being a Viera can make her stand out a bit more from time to time, it's not hard to pose herself as someone who hails all the way from the Northern Empty to pose as a Sharlayan.However, she can speak with a faint dialect that becomes more pronounced when under the influence.


    The Writer        *

Hello there!I'm a story-driven role-player; I like aiming for awesome RP like good friendships, ect. I like to enjoy sticking to the lore, but I'm not exactly super strict on it. Everyone can have liberties with their characters, myself included!For example, in the Relationships tab, thoughts, feelings, and actions that my character does don't reflect on me as an individual. I just have to ask you to keep in mind that the character must be separated from the writer. I am open to ships or pairings but like obtaining it through a story-driven plot. Ysera may or may not be receptive to any advances made to her. I would also like to add that I (the writer) am not looking for any OC relationships of the romantic variety. So, anything that happens between our characters is strictly in character.I'm always also open to discussing possible plot ideas! And I also really, REALLY, love talking about characters in general. One of my favorite things to do is character analysis and interactions. It can be super fun! Heck, I also just enjoy random meme'ing because it's fun and I do enjoy getting to know people. Another thing I'd like to add is open communication. That's also extremely important to me. Whether something is on your mind regarding the RP or anything like that, do let me know. It's just really important to talk to one another.

    Preferred Themes        *

Lore stuff! I love the lore of FFXIV. I can be flexible about it, like Voidsent, Kami, Primals, Soulstone/Job-related things, cities.Dark Themes/ Adult themes. (For this I would suggest OOC discussion first.)Light themes. (Sometimes you gotta break up the dark stuff with something comical.)Character Injuries and consequences. (IC actions got IC consequences!)I'm an adult. So I enjoy, and only RP, with other adults. 21+ and older. This also applies with IC too. That's non-negotiable.



    No List        *

Character death or extremem maiming. (Such things need to be discussed OOCly, since it's a major decision.)No strict ERP or just smut stories. I don't find it very fun. I like having stuff that is progressive for character development and it's just dull. I like the stories to have some meat to it. It's not that I'm opposed to ERP, but it has to make sense story wise for characters to sleep with one another.Things that are ethically wrong. Rape, underage, filth, or any other thing that is considered gross. I want no part of that, so stay away if that is something you're into.No Lalafells. Period. Not really open to Roe or Hrothgar relationships. However, I'm willing to have platonic interactions with them and friendships. Anything more is a pass from me.AU/Not Canon. I do love the lore of FFXIV, I like to stick to it as much as I am able, even if I'm not that strict about it. It's just not what I'm interested in.

    Additional Info        *

I'm normally around the little community venue for the Cique du Freak. If you're ever stopping by, just look for Ysera or someone name Ashe and it'd be yours truly!I also offer Gposes as well, so if you ever have any need of a screenshot, let me know and I'd be happy to offer my services!


    Criminal Activity    

›    Requirements:    Familiar with criminal underworld? You might recognize her or perhaps require her services?.

Always looks for business. Whether it calls for her hunting, dancing, info gathering, obtaining drugs, or even being a hired blade...she's always happy to strike a deal. It isn't uncommon to find her in the more shadier places of

    Thrill of Battle    

›    Requirements:    Perhaps one might come across this Veena in a fighting pit...

Ysera is a woman who grew up in a culture where it can be survival of the fittest. Though she grew up with other women within the walls of a village...one must still pull their weight to become a member of the community. A skilled huntress, Ysera enjoys the thrill of the hunt and the excitement of crossing blades with another.One might even joke that she is 'battlesexual' but it is merely in her blood to have som feral qualities to her that will make her look upon her foes and see them as prey.

    Cirque du Freak    

›    Requirements:    Perhaps the name of the circus rings a bell...?

A place she had joined when invited by the mysterious Ringmaster of the Circus. Ysera had gotten close to him, and the two had even married. An unexpected, but beautiful romance. The Circus is something that has grown near and dear to her heart. So long as it holds a strong significance to Alastor, then it will to her as well.From the dazzling lights, to the sound of children's laughter, to even the occasional screams of terror that accompanies the Midnight Show, all of it is a place that she considers home. Perhaps one would see the Veena in passing, most likely in the company of Alastor.

    Alastor Va'des    

A man she happened to cross paths with by chance in the Honey Bee Inn, Ysera was entertained by how drunk he was upon initially meeting him and 'killed' him somewhat when he asked her to make a strong yet sweet drink. A charming man with hidden meanings behind his smile, Ysera found an unexpected connection with the Ringmaster of Cirque du Freak. He intriques and puzzles her in equal measure and he keeps her on her toes. Having gained a serendipitous connection...she's enjoying his company more and more as time goes by. As the saying goes: Birds of a feather, all flock together.

relationship type       husband, boss in Cirque du Freak

    Misha Atoel    

A Rava that she met through the Honey Bee Inn. An associate of Alastor's. While there isn't much history or interaction between the two. Ysera finds Misha to be very young and inexperienced. The relationship between the two is neither cold nor warm. She feels that there are many things that this Viera could learn, and if he wishes for her to help teach him the way of the blade...then she'd be more than happy to oblige. There is nothing like beating someone senseless to teach life lessons when it comes to defense. Who knows...perhaps she'll gain a rare warm spot for him.

relationship type           acquaintance

    character name    


relationship type